04.05.2020 | Julia | 7 Form | 2,422 views

7 Form 04.05.2020


1.  What words do you associate with the English language?

Think of adjectives or other words which are associated with the word English

E – Entertaining

N –

G –

L –

I –

S –

H -Happy

 Why do people learn foreign languages? What is the most popular language in the world? How to be successful in learning the language?


2. Ex. 2a,p.171 – do the quiz

Listen to the radio programme about English and check your answers.


3. Decide if the following sentences are true or false

a) About 170 million people speak English.

b) Today every one of five people on the planet can speak English.

c) More than 80 % of home pages on the Internet are in Mandarin Chinese.

d) In every speech , a native speaker uses around a tenth of his vocabulary – 1200 to 2000 words.

e) Only between 1500- 2000 words should be enough in most situations.

f) English was first spoken in the fifth century BC also known as the Old English period.

g) We are known in the Modern English period which started in the 16th century, when George Martin lived.


 4.  Ex. 4a, p. 172 – read the text what people say about English.


5. Practise:

 With the help of the table and the text ex.4a, p.172  record your answer which explains why people learn English and why you do it. Say as many reasons as possible about yourself.


6. Optional task: If you wish make a poster “ Foreign languages in my life”, then send the picture to your teacher in the viber


7. Watch the video and write down what can give you a motivation to study the language in the future.

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